Zusatzprogramme / FEM/FEA


Preis: 540,50 CHF (576,71 EUR) inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand Artikelnr.: 281 Lieferzeit 1-3 Tage

Mecway ist ein umfassendes, benutzerfreundliches Finite-Elemente-Analyse-Paket, geeignet für jedes CAD-System mit Schwerpunkt auf mechanische und thermische Simulation wie Stress-Analyse, Vibration und Wärmefluss und verfügt über eine intuitive grafische Oberfläche.

Technische Informationen:
• Lineare dynamische, statische, geometrische Nichtlinearitäten, thermische, Knicken, akustisch, usw.
• Umfangreiche Element, Last-und Materialarten
• Sowohl manuelle und automatische Vernetzung
• Bis zu 1'000'000 Knoten im 64 Bit-Modus
• CAD-Assoziativität
• sehr schnelle Lernkurve
• sofortige Rückmeldung über Fehler
• moderne Windows-Oberfläche
• Visualisieren Sie Ihre Modelle sowohl grafisch als auch in einem Feature-Baum
• Verifikationsbeispiele mit Hand Berechnungen
• Sprache: Englisch
• 20 Jahre Entwicklungsgeschichte

• Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7, 8 oder 10
• 32 Bit Windows für Modelle bis 50'000 Knoten.
• 64 Bit Windows, 16GB RAM für Modelle > 1 Million Knoten.

Mecway FEM / FEA technische Daten:

Meshing Tools Automesh, refine, unrefine, extrude, revolve, sweep, merge, smooth, hollow, fit to cylinder, torispherical head, etc.
File formats LIML, STEP, STL, DXF, UNV, MSH (Gmsh), INP, ...
Post processing Animation, contour plots, deformed view, export to spreadsheet, integration, formulas, stress linearization, etc.

Mecway comes with two solvers (internal and CCX) which you can easily switch between. They each support a different but mostly overlapping set of features:

  Linear static Nonlinear static Linear dynamic Nonlinear dynamic Modal vibration Buckling Thermal steady state or transient DC current flow Acoustic resonance
Element types                            
Plane Internal CCX - Internal CCX - Internal CCX - CCX - - - Internal
Axisymmetric Internal CCX - Internal CCX - - - - - - - - -
Solid Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal Internal
Shell Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal -
Beam Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Truss Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX - Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Axial spring Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Viscous damper - - - Internal CCX CCX - - - - - - - -
Tension only Internal - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fin - - - - - - - - - - Internal - - -
Resistor - - - - - - - - - - - - Internal -
General section shape Internal - - Internal - - Internal - Internal - Internal - Internal -
C, T, L sections Internal - - - - - - - - - Internal - Internal -
I-section Internal - - Internal - - Internal - - - Internal - Internal -
Solid/hollow rectangle/circle section Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX - CCX Internal - Internal -
Isotropic Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal Internal
Orthotropic Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX - CCX Internal - Internal -
Anisotropic Internal CCX CCX - CCX - - CCX - CCX - - - -
Laminate Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX - Internal CCX - CCX - - - -
Bilinear plastic - - CCX - - CCX - - - - - - - -
Plastic with stress-strain curve - - CCX - - CCX - - - - - - - -
Ramberg-Osgood plastic - - CCX - - CCX - - - - - - - -
Neo Hooke hyperelastic - - CCX - - CCX - - - - - - - -
Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic - - CCX - - CCX - - - - - - - -
First ply failure analysis Internal - - Internal - - - - - - - - - -
Temperature dependent - - - - - - - - - - Internal CCX Internal -
Piezoelectric Internal - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Loads and Constraints                            
Fixed support Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Frictionless support Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Pinned support Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Elastic (Winkler) support Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Compression only support Internal - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Displacement in any direction Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Node rotation about any axis Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Bonded contact Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal Internal
Contact - - CCX - - CCX - - - - - - - -
Node-surface coupling - CCX CCX - CCX CCX - CCX - CCX - - - -
Pre-tension section - CCX CCX - CCX CCX Internal - Internal - - - - -
Beam Flexible Joint Internal - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Force Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Pressure Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal - Internal CCX - - - -
Traction Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal - Internal CCX - - - -
Line pressure Internal - - Internal - - Internal - Internal - - - - -
Hydrostatic pressure Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Moment Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Gravity Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Centrifugal force Internal CCX CCX - - - Internal CCX Internal - - - - -
Gyroscopic effect Internal - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mass Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX - - - -
Rotational inertia - - - Internal - - Internal - - - - - - -
Rayleigh damping - - - Internal CCX CCX - - - - - - - -
Thermal stress Internal CCX CCX - CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal - - - - -
Temperature Internal CCX CCX - CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal - Internal CCX Internal -
Heat flow rate - - - - - - - - - - Internal CCX - -
Heat flux - - - - - - - - - - Internal CCX - -
Internal heat generation - - - - - - - - - - Internal CCX - -
Convection - - - - - - - - - - Internal CCX - -
Radiation - - - - - - - - - - Internal CCX - -
Thermal contact conductance - - - - - - - - - - - CCX - -
Electric potential Internal - - - - - - - - - - - Internal -
Electric charge Internal - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Current - - - - - - - - - - - - Internal -
Robin boundary condition Internal - - - - - - - - - - - Internal -
Cyclic symmetry Internal CCX CCX - - - Internal CCX - - Internal CCX - -
Stress stiffening - - CCX - - CCX Internal CCX - - - - - -
Constraint equations (MPCs) Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal CCX Internal Internal


CalculiX Solver (CCX)

As well as its own solver, you can use Mecway as a pre- and post-processor for the open source CalculiX CrunchiX solver (CCX). Many features of CCX are available though Mecway's interface with no need for any manual configuration, commands or keywords.

CCX is an external package written by Guido Dhondt and other authors. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 and is not part of Mecway. However, as a convenience, it is included with Mecway's installer.


System Requirements

  • 64 bit Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
  • .NET Framework 4.5
  • 16GB RAM and 100GB hard disk space are required to solve large models up to 1 million nodes.


Testversion sowie Manuals zum Downloaden

Ohne Lizenzschlüssel läuft das Programm als 30-Tage Testversion.

Mecway FEM/FEA Test- sowie Vollversion...

Mecway Manual 1...

Mecway Manual 2...

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